4000 essential English words 1_unit 1 the lion and the rabbit

learn English Everyday
10 min readFeb 12, 2020


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سرفصل مطالب : لیست کلمات ، تمرین ، جواب تمرین ها ، داستان و ترجمه فارسی، تمرین داستان و جواب

Word List

  • afraid [əˈfreid] adj.
  • When someone is afraid, they feel fear.
  • The woman was afraid of what she saw.
  • agree [əˈɡriː] v.
  • To agree is to say “yes” or to think the same way.
  • A: The food is very good in that restaurant. B: I agree with you.
  • angry [ˈæŋɡrɪ] adj.
  • When someone is angry, they may want to speak loudly or fight.
  • She didn’t do her homework, so her father is angry.
  • arrive [əˈraɪv] v.
  • To arrive is to get to or reach some place.
  • The bus always arrives at the corner of my street at 4:00.
  • attack [əˈtæk] v.
  • To attack is to try to fight or to hurt.
  • The man with the sword attacked the other man first.
  • bottom [ˈbɒtəm] n.
  • The bottom is the lowest part.
  • The bottom of my shoe has a hole in it.
  • clever [ˈklɛv ər] adj.
  • When someone is clever, they can solve a hard puzzle or problem.
  • The clever boy thought of a good idea.
  • cruel [ˈkruːəl] adj.
  • When someone is cruel, they do bad things to hurt others.
  • The cruel man yelled at his sister.
  • finally [ˈfaɪnəlɪ] adv.
  • If something happens finally, it happens after a longtime or at the end.
  • He finally crossed the finish line after five hours of running.
  • hide [haɪd] v.
  • To hide is to try not to let others see you.
  • The other children will hide while you count to 100.
  • hunt [hʌnt] v.
  • To hunt is to look for or search for an animal to kill.
  • Long ago, people hunted with bows and arrows.
  • lot [lɒt] n.
  • A lot means a large number or amount of people, animals, things, etc.
  • There are a lot of apples in the basket.
  • middle [mɪdl] n.
  • The middle of something is the center or halfway point.
  • The Canadian flag has a maple leaf in the middle of it.
  • moment [ˈmoʊmənt] n.
  • A moment is a second or a very short time.
  • I was only a few moments late for the meeting.
  • pleased [pli:zd] adj.
  • When someone is pleased, they are happy.
  • She was pleased with the phone call she received.
  • promise [ˈprɒmɪs] v.
  • To promise is to say you will do something for sure.
  • He promised to return my key by tomorrow.
  • reply [rɪˈplaɪ] v.
  • To reply is to give an answer or say back to someone.
  • She asked him what time his meeting was. He replied, “at three.”
  • safe [seɪf] adj.
  • When a person is safe, they are not in danger.
  • Put on your seat belt in the car to be safe.
  • trick [trɪk] n.
  • A trick is something you do to fool another person.
  • His card trick really surprised us.
  • well [wɛl] adv.
  • You use well to say that something was done in a good way.
  • The couple can dance quite well.


Part A: Choose the right word for the given definition.

  1. bad or hurting others
  • a. afraid
  • b. clever
  • c. cruel
  • d. hunt

2. at last or at the end

  • a. angry
  • b. clever
  • c. finally
  • d. reply

3. to try to fight or hurt

  • a. attack
  • b. middle
  • c. pleased
  • d. trick

4. to not let others see

  • a. agree
  • b. hide
  • c. safe
  • d. well

5. the lowest part

  • a. bottom
  • b. lot
  • c. moment
  • d. promise


1 c. cruel
2 c. finally
3 a. attack
4 b. hide
5 a. bottom

Part B: Choose the right definition for the given word.

  1. angry
  • a. happy
  • b. low
  • c. mad
  • d. scared

2. moment

  • a. a hole with water in it
  • b. a short time
  • c. at the center
  • d. at the end

3. promise

  • a. to say “good job”
  • b. to say “I will”
  • c. to say “the end”
  • d. to say “maybe”

4. reply

  • a. to answer
  • b. to get to a place
  • c. to look for in order to kill
  • d. to try to fight or hurt

5. safe

  • a. fool
  • b. having much or many
  • c. not seen
  • d. not worried about begin hurt


1 c. mad
2 b. a short time
3 b. to say “I will”
4 a. to answer
5 d. not worried about begin hurt


Check (V) the sentence with the bolded word that makes better sense.


____ a. A clever person can solve a puzzle easily.

____ b. When a plane arrives, it leaves the ground and goes into the sky.


  • ____ a. At noon, the sun is near the bottom of the sky.
  • ____ b. If I break my brother’s bike, he will be angry.


  • ____ a. It is easy to hide in a dark place.
  • ____ b. Many kinds of fish are afraid of water.


  • ____ a. At night, your parents may say, “Hide your eyes and go to sleep.”
  • ____ b. Heavy things will go down to the bottom of the ocean.


  • ____ a. It is cruel to keep a dog in a small cage all day.
  • ____ b. Your mother will be angry when you get good grades in school.


  • ____ a. Animals cannot hunt because they do not have hands.
  • ____ b. It is a good idea to arrive early for class.


  • ____ a. People sometimes attack pictures to email messages.
  • ____ b. Some people are afraid of spiders.


  • ____ a. A moment is like a second or two.
  • ____ b. New shoes are usually not very comfortable or clever.


  • ____ a. Small animals do not usually attack big animals.
  • ____ b. There are twelve moments in a year.


  • ____ a. A cruel person will try to help others at all times.
  • ____ b. You can use a gun to hunt in the forest.


1 a. A clever person can solve a puzzle easily.
2 b. If I break my brother’s bike, he will be angry.
3 a. It is easy to hide in a dark place.
4 b. Heavy things will go down to the bottom of the ocean.
5 a. It is cruel to keep a dog in a small cage all day.
6 b. It is a good idea to arrive early for class.
7 b. Some people are afraid of spiders.
8 a. A moment is like a second or two.
9 a. Small animals do not usually attack big animals.
10 b. You can use a gun to hunt in the forest



A cruel lion lived in the forest. Every day, he killed and ate a lot of animals. The other animals were afraid the lion would kill them all.

The animals told the lion, “Let’s make a deal. If you promise to eat only one animal each day, then one of us will come to you every day. Then you don’t have to hunt and kill us.”

The plan sounded well thought-out to the lion, so he agreed, but he also said, “If you don’t come every day, I promise to kill all of you the next day!”

Each day after that, one animal went to the lion so that the lion could eat it. Then, all the other animals were safe.

Finally, it was the rabbit’s turn to go to the lion. The rabbit went very slowly that day, so the lion was angry when the rabbit finally arrived.

The lion angrily asked the rabbit, “Why are you late?”

“I was hiding from another lion in the forest. That lion said he was the king, so I was afraid.”

The lion told the rabbit, “I am the only king here! Take me to that other lion, and I will kill him.”

The rabbit replied, “I will be happy to show you where he lives.”

The rabbit led the lion to an old well in the middle of the forest. The well was very deep with water at the bottom. The rabbit told the lion, “Look in there. The lion lives at the bottom.”

When the lion looked in the well, he could see his own face in-the water. He thought that was the other lion. Without waiting another moment, the lion jumped into the well to attack the other lion. He never came out.

All of the other animal in the forest were very pleased with the rabbit’s clever trick.

شیر و خرگوش
شیر ظالمی در جنگل زندگی میکرد .او هر روز حیوانات زیادی را میکشت و میخورد. حیوانات دیگر نگران بودند که شیر همه آنها را خواهد کشت .
حیوانات به شیر گفتند، بیا معامله ای کنیم، اگر تو قول دهی که هر روز تنها یک حیوان بخوری، آن وقت یکی از ما هر روز نزد تو خواهد آمد. بنابراین نیازی نیست تا شکار کنی و ما را بکشی.
اگر هر روز نیایید، قول «، این نقشه در نظر شیر فکر خوبی رسید. بنابراین موافقت کرد، اما همچنین گفت
». میدهم که همه شما را روز بعد بکشم
بعد از آن هر روز ،یکی از حیوانات نزد شیر میرفت در نتیجه شیر میتوانست آن را بخورد. پس تمام حیوانات
دیگر در امان بودند.
سرانجام، نوبت خرگوش بود تا نزد شیر برود. خرگوش آن روز خیلی آهسته رفت، بنابراین وقتی عاقبت
خرگوش رسید، شیر عصبانی بود .
شیر با عصبانیت از خرگوش پرسید: چرا دیر کردی؟
من از شیر دیگری در جنگل مخفی شده بودم. اون شیر گفت که پادشاه است، بنابراین خیلی ترسیده بودم.
شیر به خرگوش گفت، من تنها پادشاه اینجا هستم! مرا نزد شیر دیگر ببر، و من او را خواهم کشت.
خرگوش جواب داد: خیلی خوشحال میشوم که به شما نشان دهم که او کجا زندگی میکند.
خرگوش شیر را به طرف یک چاه قدیمی در وسط جنگل هدایت کرد. چاه خیلی عمیق بود با آبی که در تهِ آن
بود. خرگوش به شیر گفت ،آنجا را نگاه کن. شیر آن پایین زندگی میکند.
وقتی شیر به داخل چاه نگاه کرد، توانست صورت خود را در آب ببیند. فکر کرد که او شیر دیگری است. بدون
تعلل در یک لحظه شیر به داخل چاه پرید تا به شیر دیگر حمله کند. او هیچ وقت بیرون نیامد. تمام حیوانات
دیگر داخل جنگل از حقه تیزهوشانه خرگوش خیلی خوشحال بودند.

Reading Comprehension
Answer the questions.
What is this story about?
a. How a clever rabbit tricked a cruel lion.
b. How rabbits learned to hide from lions.
c. How a rabbit pleased an angry lion.
d. How to be safe when you hunt in the forest.
2. What did all the animals say to the lion?
a. They said they wanted him to be their king.
b. They said that the rabbit would be there in a moment.
c. They said that they would allow him to eat one of them a day.
d. They said that they would hide at the bottom of the well.
3. Why did the rabbit take the lion to the well in the middle of the forest?
a. So a lot of animals could see the rabbit walking with the lion.
b. So the lion could attack the “other” lion.
c. So the lion could drink water.
d. So the other animals would be afraid of the rabbit.
4. Which of the following is true at the end of the story?
a. The lion attacked another lion, and they both got hurt.
b. The lion cannot reply to the rabbit, so the rabbit wins.
c. The lion finally dies.
d. The lion is pleased by the rabbit’s words, so it does not eat the rabbit.
5. What did the lion see when it looked in the well?

Answer the questions.
1 a. How a clever rabbit tricked a cruel lion.
2 c. They said that they would allow him to eat one of them a day.
3 b. So the lion could attack the “other” lion.
4 c. The lion finally dies.
5 The lion saw his own face in the water.

