
learn English Everyday
9 min readNov 4, 2020



  • benefit [ˈbɛnɪfɪt] n.
  • A benefit is a good thing.
  • Being able to fly is a good benefit to birds.
  • سود، مزیت، منفعت
  • قادر به پرواز بودن مزیت خوبی برای پرندگان است.
  • certain [ˈsəːt(ə)n] adj.
  • If you are certain about something, you know it is true.
  • I am certain that zebras have stripes.
  • مطمئن
  • من مطمئنم که گورخرها راه راه هستند.
  • chance [tʃɑːns] n.
  • A chance is an opportunity to do something.
  • I had a chance to see the Roman Coliseum last summer.
  • فرصت، شانس
  • تابستان گذشته فرصت داشتم تا رومن کولوسئوم(میدان ورزش رُم) را ببینم.
  • effect [ɪˈfɛkt] n.
  • An effect is a change made by something else.
  • The medicine had a good effect on the boy.
  • اثر، نتیجه
  • دارو اثر خوبی بر روی پسر داشت.
  • essential [ɪˈsɛnʃ(ə)l] adj.
  • If something is essential, it is very important and necessary.
  • It is essential to have oxygen when you scuba dive.
  • ضروری، الزم
  • وقتی غواصی میکنید داشتن اکسیژن ضروری است.
  • far [fɑ:r] adj.
  • If something is far, it is not close.
  • It’s far going from the east coast to the west coast of America.
  • دور
  • رفتن از سواحل شرقی به سواحل غربی امریکا دور است.
  • focus [ˈfəʊkəs] v.
  • To focus on something is to think about it and pay attention to it.
  • My mom always helps me to focus on my school work.
  • تمرکز کردن
  • مادرم همیشه به من کمک میکند تا روی تکالیف مدرسه تمرکز کنم.
  • function [ˈfʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n] n.
  • The function of something is what it does.
  • The function of a flashlight is to help you see in the dark.
  • عملکرد، کارکرد
  • کار چراغ قوه، کمک به شما برای دیدن در تاریکی است.
  • grass [ɡrɑːs] n.
  • Grass is the green leaves that cover the ground.
  • The grass looked so soft and green.
  • چمن، علف
  • چمن بسیار نرم و سبز به نظر میرسید.
  • guard [ɡɑːd] v.
  • To guard something is to take care of it.
  • The police officer will guard us from any harm.
  • نگهبانی دادن، محافظت کردن
  • افسر پلیس از ما در برابر هر آسیبی محافظت خواهد کرد.
  • image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] v.
  • The image of something is a picture of it.
  • The image of her eye was very clear.
  • تصویر
  • تصویر چشم او بسیار روشن بود.
  • immediate [iˈmiːdiət] adj.
  • If something is immediate, it happens quickly.
  • An immediate response came from the pizza place.
  • فوری، بی درنگ
  • یک پاسخ فوری از پیتزا فروشی رسید.
  • primary [ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri] adj.
  • If something is primary, it is the most important thing.
  • His primary thoughts are about money.
  • اصلی، اولیه
  • افکار اصلی او درباره پول است.
  • proud [praʊd] adj.
  • If someone feels proud, they are happy about what they have done.
  • She is proud of the picture she drew of her house.
  • غرور، احساس غرور، مغرور
  • او برای نقاشی که از خانه اش کشید احساس غرور میکند.
  • remain [rɪˈmeɪn] v.
  • To remain somewhere is to stay there.
  • My sister had to remain home since she was sick.
  • ماندن، باقی ماندن
  • خواهرم مجبور شد در خانه بماند چون مریض بود.
  • rest [rɛst] v.
  • To rest is to stop being active while the body gets back its strength.
  • I rested on the couch after work.
  • separate [ˈsepəreit] v.
  • If two things are separate, they are not together.
  • New York and Los Angeles are in two separate parts of America.
  • site [saɪt] n.
  • A site is a place.
  • We found the perfect site for our picnic.
  • tail [teɪl] n.
  • A tail is a part of an animal’s body, sticking out from its rear or back.
  • Our dog wags its tail when it’s happy.
  • trouble [ˈtrʌbəl] n.
  • Trouble is a problem ora difficulty.
  • I have trouble working with my boss.


Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

  1. It is very important that you call your mother soon.
  2. The good thing about being old is that you know many things.
  3. I have problems with my science homework.
  4. I am sure that she will come to his party.
  5. The job of the stove is to cook.
  6. That is the place where they met.
  7. I saw his picture on TV.
  8. The twins don’t like to be apart.
  9. I like to stay at home on the weekends.
  10. His part that comes out of his rear was shaking because he was happy.


Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.

  1. effect / benefit
    The effectbenefit of the rain was slippery roads.
    The effectbenefit of waking up early is being at work on time.
  2. primary / immediate
    She had to make a(an) primaryimmediate phone call.
    The primaryimmediate cause of my problems is laziness.
  3. rested / proud
    He was restedproud when he got the best score.
    We restedproud under the shade of a tree.
  4. far / separate
    Her new school is farseparate from here.
    She and her best friend hate to be in farseparate classrooms.
  5. guard / remain
    I have to guardremain my money from my little brother.
    I have to guardremain in school for four more years.

Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
effect / benefit
The of the rain was slippery roads.
The of waking up early is being at work on time.
primary / immediate
She had to make a(an) phone call.
The cause of my problems is laziness.
rested / proud
He was when he got the best score.
We under the shade of a tree.
far / separate
Her new school is from here.
She and her best friend hate to be in classrooms.
guard / remain
I have to my money from my little brother.
I have to in school for four more years.
Part B: Check (V) the one that suits the blank naturally.
Every year for my birthday, __________.
____ a. I return to the site of my birth
____ b. my cat has a short tail
I believe her __________.
____ a. because she has a chance to lie
____ b. because she’s certain of the facts
My new watch is great. __________.
____ a. It has many functions
____ b. It causes me trouble
I was afraid __________.
____ a. because I thought of a scary image of a snake
____ b. because I didn’t focus on my work
I eat many fruits __________.
____ a. because they are essential for good health
____ b. because they taste like grass

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1 essential essen
2 benefit bene
3 trouble tro
4 certain cer
5 function fun
6 site si
7 image i
8 separate s
9 remain r
10 tail t
Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
1 effect / benefit /
2 immediate / primary /
3 proud / rested /
4 far / separate /
5 guard / remain /
Part B: Check (V) the one that suits the blank naturally.
1 a. I return to the site of my birth
2 b. because she’s certain of the facts
3 a. It has many functions
4 a. because I thought of a scary image of a snake
5 a. because they are essential for good health


Argos lived in Ancient Greece. He was a husband and a proud father. He worked hard and did well at his job. But one thing about him wasn’t normal. He was born with 100 eyes. Having many eyes was usually a benefit to him. He had a chance to see many things.

Also, since he had so many eyes, he was very good at guarding things. While sleeping, he only rested a few eyes at a time. The others stayed awake. He worked for Hera, a great goddess. His primary function was to guard a special cow. The cow was very important to Hera. It was her favorite pet. The most essential part of his job was to keep the cow alone. It had to be kept separate from all the other cows and far away from people.

This was an easy job for Argos. The cow just ate grass all day. But the god Zeus wanted the cow. He wanted to take it away from Hera. He had a plan. He found a great music player. He asked the man to play a beautiful song for Argos. Zeus was certain Argos would go to sleep.

The song had an immediate effect. Argos couldn’t focus on his job. He fell asleep. Zeus saw this, and he took the cow.

Hera was very angry with Argos. She turned him into a peacock. She put his many eyes on his tail. Argos was very sad.

Zeus saw how much trouble he had caused Argos. He made another plan. He turned Argos into a group of stars. He wanted Argos to remain in the sky forever. Even today, Argos’ image remains there, above the site where all his problems began. We can still see him in the night sky.

Reading Comprehension

Answer the questions.
What is this story about?
a. Why it is essential to guard cows
b. How to play beautiful music
c. How the image of a peacock in the sky came about
d. How being born with 100 eyes benefited a man
Why was guarding Hera’s cow easy for Argos?
a. All it did was eat grass all day.
b. It was kept separate from all the other cows.
c. He had a chance to listen to music.
d. He was able to sleep instead of focusing on it.
Why did Zeus turn Argos into a group of stars?
a. He wanted Argos to see the site of his trouble.
b. He was certain that Argos would fall asleep.
c. He wanted to make Argos remain in the sky forever.
d. He wanted to cause Argos immediate trouble.
What was the primary function of Argos’ job?
a. To make sure the cow was never sad
b. To keep the cow far away from people
c. To see the effects of music on the cow
d. Work for a proud goddess named Hera
How did Argos sleep?

Answer the questions.
1 c. How the image of a peacock in the sky came about a.
2 a. All it did was eat grass all day.
3 c. He wanted to make Argos remain in the sky forever.
4 b. To keep the cow far away from people
5 He only rested a few eyes at a time. The others stayed awake.

